The Tourism Master Program of the Graduate School at Gadjah Mada University (UGM) is hosting a seminar with the theme “Building a Resilient, Sovereign, and Responsible Future for Indonesian Tourism” at the Auditorium on the 5th Floor of the SPs Building on July 23rd, 2024.
Currently, global recognition of tourism development in Indonesia shows positive progress. It is moving from 32nd to 22nd place worldwide based on the Travel Tourism Development Index.
However, is the quality of tourism development truly on the right path? Is tourism sufficiently resilient in responding to global uncertainties? Is tourism sovereign in its own country, and have sustainable principles been applied in daily tourism development practices? Furthermore, has tourism involved local communities in a proportional manner adequately?
As stated by the Chief of Tourism Master Program of UGM , “It is time to rethink the direction of Indonesian tourism development. Should it only focus on increasing the number of tourists which potentially leads to over-tourism? How can we promote regulations, policies, and empirical practices to create responsible tourism destinations as we aim for Indonesian tourism in 2045?” she said.
In addition to celebrating the 30th anniversary of Puspar, this seminar aims to formulate and disseminate insights from Puspar UGM experts, academics, and practitioners to provide deep reflection on the development of Indonesian tourism.
Another aim is presenting proposals and strategies at the paradigm, policy, and practical levels to strengthen national identity in a more sovereign and dignified manner in developing Indonesian tourism.
The event, opened by UGM Rector Prof. Ova Emilia, was conducted throughout the day and feature eight speakers, including Prof. Dr. Muhammad Baiquni, M.A., Prof. Ir. Tarcisius Yoyok Wahyu Subroto, M.Eng., Ph.D., Prof. Dr. Phil Janianton Damanik, M.Si, Dr. Dian Agung Wicaksono, SH., LL.M., Prof. Dr. Tri Kuntoro Priyambodo, M.Sc., Bobby Ardiyanto Setyo Adji, Yulia A Widyaningsih, M.B.A., Ph.D., and Drs. Hendrie Adji Kusworo, M.Sc., Ph.D.
This activity also aligns with the implementation of SDGs number 4 on quality education and number 17 on partnerships to achieve goals.
Author: Arni Wistiriatun
Editor: Ana Anggraini
Keywords: Tourism, Indonesian Tourism, Resilient, Sovereign