The Environmental Science Doctoral Study Program, Gadjah Mada University Postgraduate School (SPs UGM) held a curriculum development
Yogyakarta (08/01), the Population Doctoral Program held a workshop focused on curriculum design, in accordance with directions
To anticipate future educational developments and the existence of Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education Regulation
Yogyakarta (14/12), the Higher Education Management Master Program (MMPT) Gadjah Mada University Postgraduate School successfully
On Friday (November 8th), Universitas Gadjah Mada’s Graduate School (SPs UGM) held a workshop titled “Opportunities and
Scientific discussions as a series of “Gladhi Nalar” activities of The Performing Arts and Fine Arts Master Program
The Performing Arts and Fine Arts Master Program (PSPSR) at the Graduate School of Gadjah Mada University held the “Gladhi
Yogyakarta (11/9), the Master of Religion and Cross-Cultural Studies Program (Center for Religious & Cross-Cultural Studies