SPs (16/8) On Friday morning, activities typically include a group exercise session in the west parking lot of the SPs building for all employees, but Friday morning, August 16th, 2024, was different.
On this Friday morning, about thirty male and female employees, including administrative staff and other staff, were enthusiastically participating in the Independence Day competitions organized by the committee. This event was spontaneously arranged, having been planned only the day before, as proposed in the employees’ WhatsApp group, with the aim of celebrating the 79th anniversary of Indonesia’s Independence.
According to Ana Anggraini, M. Hum, the Academic Coordinator, “This competition was held to help celebrate the 79th Independence Day. It also serves as a break from the busy daily tasks and activities to boost work enthusiasm and team spirit among the work units.”
There were 4 categories in the competition: sarong relay, moving rubber bands with a straw, actual and reverse marching, and laughing contest. Participants were divided into three teams, each consisting of six members.
In the sarong relay race, participants joined hands and transferred a sarong draped around their bodies from the first participant (at the far left) to the next participant, until the sixth participant. The relay then continued back to the first participant without letting go of each other’s hands. The team that got the sarong back to the first participant the fastest was declared the winner. Team 1, consisting of Arfika, Umi Sugiyanti, Indah Yuli, Joko Waluyo, Aris, and Arif, won this race.
In the next category, moving rubber bands with a straw, each team was given 15 rubber bands and a straw by the committee. Participants inserted the straw into their mouths as if to drink, and one by one, the rubber bands were moved from the first participant to the sixth participant in each team. The team that gathered the most rubber bands the fastest was the winner. Once more, Team 1 won this category.
The next competition was “real and opposite game.” In this game, each team lined up, holding the shoulders of their teammates, and followed commands from the committee. There were two commands: “real” and “opposite.” If the command was “real, forward,” all participants would jump forward. However, if the command was “opposite, backward,” participants had to jump forward. Concentration was tested here, as mistakes meant leaving the line. The team that lasted the longest won. Team 3, consisting of Wiwin, Rintis, Diro, and Surono, won this round.
Although the competitions were simple, they were quite lively. As Yeni Maryana from the Academic Department, one of the organizers, said, “These games are simple but exciting, fostering teamwork and providing a refreshing break amid busy work. It helps build camaraderie and cooperation among employees.”
Wiwin, also from the Academic Department, added, “Competitions like these should be preserved. In the future, there should be a dedicated committee and more thorough planning, with participation from all employees.”
What was interesting about these games was that no participants lost, as there were three teams and prizes were given for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place, so all teams received light snacks as rewards.
This activity also aligns with the implementation of SDG Number 3 (Good Health and Well-being), Number 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), and Number SDG 16: Peace Justice and Strong Institutions.
Keywords: Independence Day, 79th RI Anniversary, Independence Day Competitions.
Author: Arni Wistriatun
Editor: Ana Anggraini