Yogyakarta – The UGM Postgraduate School held a First Lecture for Postgraduate School Students for the 2019/2020 Academic Year at the Postgraduate School Auditorium, Tuesday (17/9/19).
On this occasion, presenting the speaker, Admiral TNI (Purn) Prof. Dr. Marsetio, M.M. who is one of the alumni of the doctoral program for the Postgraduate School of Cultural and Media Studies Study Program, while the second speaker was Prof. Dra. RA Yayi Suryo Prabandari, M.Sc., Ph.D. who is a lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, & Nursing (FKKMK) UGM.
In his remarks, Dean of the UGM Graduate School, Prof. Ir. Siti Malkhamah, M.Sc., Ph.D conveyed her congratulations to postgraduate students for being part of the extended family of the UGM Graduate School and advised to maintain the values “‹”‹that have always been upheld by UGM, namely the value of social, national values, and populist values.
On this occasion Prof. Marsetio delivered the material “Indonesian Sea Power Towards Indonesian Maritime in 2030.” Si vis pacem, para bellum, the meaning is' if you long for peace, get ready for war “said Prof. Marsetio. Furthermore, Prof. Marsetio conveyed that “Indonesia is a maritime country, therefore a strong maritime defense is needed.” Another material presented was about the meaning and 6 (six) important elements of Sea Power, namely Geographical Position, Physical Conformation, Extent of Territory, Number of Population, National Character , and Character of Government.
Meanwhile Prof. Dra. R.A Yayi Suryo Prabandari, M.Sc., Ph.d. delivered material Health Promoting University Prof. Yayi said that one of the reasons for alumni or students not being accepted to work is their health condition, therefore Prof. Yayi urged the concept of a Healthy University to be applied comprehensively at the UGM campus. “A Healthy University or Healthy University is a holistic / comprehensive health approach in a university setting to create a learning environment that improves the health, well-being and sustainability of the community,” said Prof. Yayi was quoted from the Healthy Universities Network England, which was continued by giving tips for students and the entire UGM academic community to maintain health, one of which is by exercising at least 30 minutes a day. (Azrina, Arni / SPs)