Jogja, (5/4/19), UGM Graduate School (SPs) releases three employees who are entering retirement or retirement from the educational staff. Mrs. Asri Supeni Riwayanti, SIP (Bu Peni), Pak Paidi, and Pak Samsuri are educational staff or employees in the administration department, who were released by the Dean of SPs, Prof. Ir. Siti Malkamah, M.Sc., Ph.D.
The event which was also attended by program managers / study interests, educators and all education staff at the SPs was held at the Auditorium Lt. 5 UGM Graduate School.
Bu Peni has devoted herself to SPs since 1981, and before this retirement, Mrs. Peni served as Head of Academic Subdivision at SPs. Meanwhile Pak Samsuri has dedicated himself since 1986 as a driver. Similar to Pak Bu Peni, Pak Paidi has devoted himself to SPs since 1981, and most recently served as a waiter,
In her remarks representing Pak Paidi and Pak Samsuri, Bu Peni expressed her apologies and gratitude to all leaders, managers of study programs / interests, and all education staff for their guidance and assistance during SPs. Bu Peni also hopes that the relationship is maintained with all leaders and employees at the SPs, and is ready to be “picked up” if there is good news or unpleasant.
Meanwhile, the Dean of the UGM Postgraduate School expressed his gratitude to the three retired educational staff who were released for their service at SPs for more than thirty years. The Dean of SPs also hopes that these retired employees can still attend if there is an invitation from the SPs.
In this event, a memento for retired employees was also given, which was handed over by the Dean of the SPs, as well as a memento from the SPs Employee Corps (Korpagama) which was handed over by the chairman of the SPs Korpagama, Sutarno. (SPs / arni)