In an effort to improve the standard of superior quality of education, UGM Graduate School follows the standardization of accreditation organized by the Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi (BAN-PT) with a period of once every five years for each Study Program.
Pada Tanggal 19 hingga 20 November 2021 lalu, Sekolah pascasarjana (SPs) telah melaksanakan Re-visitasi Akreditasi Program Studi Doktor Bioteknologi secara daring. Dengan dihadiri tim akreditasi dari SPs, tim akreditasi Program Studi (Prodi) dan Tim Asesor dari BAN-PT.
From 19 to 20 November 2021, the Graduate School (SPs) carried out an online Re-visit of the Biotechnology Doctoral Study Program Accreditation. Attended by the accreditation team from SPs, the accreditation team for Study Programs (Prodi) and the Assessor Team from BAN-PT.
Even though it was carried out online through the zoom platform, this activity could still be carried out wisely and smoothly as expected. Hopefully this effort can improve the quality of the Biotechnology Doctoral Study Program to become an international class study program and always be the best in its field.