Jogja, (21/10/2020) UGM Graduate School (SPs) graduated 93 Masters and 17 Doctors at the graduation period I T.A 2020/2021 on 21 October 2020.
Of the number of graduates, 53 Masters graduated cum laude, and 6 doctors graduated cum laude.
The highest GPA of 4.00 was achieved by Ach. Fatayillah Mursyidi from Religion and Cross-Cultural Study Program, and 4.00 won by Ricardo Vargas Posada from Inter Religious Studies Doctoral Study Program.
The fastest study period is 1 year 7 months 17 days, achieved by Pramudya Bagas Utama from the Master of Environmental Science (Environmental Management). Meanwhile, from the Doctoral program, the fastest study period is 3 years 0 months 17 days, achieved by Shinta Prastyanti, Doctor of Extension and Development Communication.
The youngest graduate, Arni Putriani Farzan, 23 years 6 bl 12 days from Master of Environmental Science (Environmental Management) and Sukmaniar, 31 years 5 bl 29 from Population Doctoral Study Program.
Graduation was held in limited offline and online at UGM Hall and only attended by 1 representative from each faculty / school and university leaders.
Taking certificates of SPs graduates who are not representatives at the Academic Counter in West Hall, 1st Floor of the UGM Graduate School Building on the same day by continuing to apply health protocols.
Congratulations to the graduates, I hope the knowledge is useful. (SPs / arni)