Yogyakarta – Education and Development Communication Study Program (PKP) UGM Graduate School held a Public Lecture by presenting Prof. guest lecturers. Alexander G. Flor, Ph.D. from the University of the Philippines Open University, Monday (16/9).
On this occasion, the topic discussed was “Environmental Communication & The Science of Delivery: Focus on Extension Communication in the Environmental Sector” with participants consisting of masters & doctoral students of Extension & Development Communication.
This public lecture begins with an introduction to the profile of the University of the Philippines Open University and also the Faculty of Information and Communication Studies. Prof. Alexander, Ph.D. is the dean and also one of the founders of the faculty.
Prof. Alexander, Ph.D. conveyed that environmental issues are one of the topics related to Development Communication. The main discussion delivered by Prof. Alexander, Ph.D. is Environmental Communication, through his book which has been translated into Indonesian as Environmental Communication. Then, Prof. Alexander, Ph.D. delivered material about The Science of Delivery, in his explanation, he conveyed 4 (four) things in the Delivery Model, namely Research-based Innovation, Delivery Systems Framework, Local Knowledge, and Delivery Skills Sharing.
The discussion about environmental communication got warmer when the question and answer session began. Riesma, one of the alumni of the Extension & Development Communication master program asked about the use of environmental communication extension methods with the large diversity of society in Indonesia, which was then answered by Prof. Alexander, Ph.D. to use the Delivery Model method and emphasize Local Knowledge so that the objectives of environmental communication extension can be achieved properly.
The public lecture was closed by giving a placard from the Postgraduate School to Prof. Alexander G. Flor, Ph.D. given by the head of the Extension & Development Communication study program Prof. Dr. Ir. Sunarru Samsi Hariadi, MS. (SPs / Azrina)