The Environmental Science Study Program of the Gadjah Mada University Graduate School, the Association of Indonesian Environmental Experts (IALHI), Sebelas Maret University, and The United Graduated School of Agriculture Science (UGSAS) Gifu University Japan collaborated in the event “The 4th International Conference on Climate Change: Risk to Sustainability and Environmental Issue “at the UGM Graduate School Auditorium, 18-19 November 2019.
The aim of this international conference is to accommodate new innovations in an effort to reduce the impact of climate change that is currently happening. Climate change is a problem that can cause global warming. So the need for adaptation and mitigation as a strategy to deal with climate change. Through this opportunity, Dr. Eko Haryono as the chief executive, hopes to collect best practice adaptation and mitigation strategies for handling climatic conditions. Then, it is hoped that the realization of collaboration between universities in the form of research and student exchanges, as a form of collaboration to reduce the impact of climate change.
This international conference was attended by more than 100 participants and guests from Japan, Bangladesh, Vietnam and Australia. The series of activities in this conference began with the delivery of material by the Keynote Speaker Dr. Masateru Senge from Gifu University Japan. Some of the environmental experts who were the speakers at this conference were Dr. Anthony Kent from RMIT University Australia, Dr. Chittana Phompila from the National University of Laos Laos, Prof. Dr. Md. Abdul Mojid from Bangladesh Agriculture University Bangladesh, Assist. Prof. Dr. Takashi S.T. Tanaka from Gifu University Japan, Dr. Prabang Setyono from Sebelas Maret University Indonesia, Prof. Dr. Chen Shih-Huang from the National Center University of Taiwan, Prof. Dr. Imaizumi Fumitoshi from Shizuoka University Japan, Assist. Prof. Dr. Keigo Noda from Gifu University Japan, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thu Hien from Thuy Loi University Vietnam, and Dr. Nunung Puji Nugroho from the Research and Development Center for Watershed Management Technology, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Republic of Indonesia.
Then, in addition to delivering materials from environmental experts, there are parallel sessions for conference participants. In the parallel session, conference participants conveyed their ideas and ideas in developing adaptation and mitigation strategies to deal with climate change issues. (SPs / Azrina)