Winners are requested to contact the committee at number 0274-520318 (Fitria) or +628112505563. thank you
TPA results will be sent to the address on the envelope is loaded when the final landfill Novermber 28th 2015 yesterday,
Public Lecture material from Komjen. Pol. (Ret) Dr. H. Nurfaizi Suwandi, MM can be downloaded at the following link:
Pengumuman Hasil Tes Potensi Akademik tanggal 13 Juni 2015 lokasi
instansi Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Gadjah Mada
Berdasarkan hasil rapat tim reviewer Hibah Penelitian Dosen SPs pada
tanggal 14 April dan mengingat RKAT Program Studi
Bagi mahasiswa S2/S3 yang terlambat registrasi pada semester ll (Genap) Tahun
Akademik 201212013 dikenakan sanksi administrasi
The Global South Workshop is a week-long workshop for talented Ph. D. students from Southern universities researching topics at the intersection of international studies and development studies. The workshop will give selected participants the opportunity to present and discuss their research in a seminar format. The 2011 workshop is jointly organised by the Graduate Institute, Geneva and the Gadjah Mada Graduate School; it will take place from 26 November to 3 December, 2011 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Venue: Sidang A Room, floor. 5th, Sekolah Pascasarjana UGM
This programme is intended to facilitate a network of young scholars from southern countries by providing them opportunities to interact and share experiences with fellow scholars from the south, and develop collaborative frameworks and projects that may help advance the salience of southern perspectives in their fields and disciplines.
The Institute will cover expenses for travel, accommodation and meals, and offer a small stipend to cover other costs.
Candidates must fulfil the following conditions:
- Eligible candidates should be nearing completion of their Ph. Ds at a Southern university;
- The research topic must be relevant to one of the Institute’s domains of specialisation;
- Topics dealing with the Institute’s priority research areas are particularly welcome;
- Knowledge of English is essential.
The deadline for receipt of applications is 15 October 2011.
Candidates must complete the online application form which includes:
- A statement of motivation;
- A curriculum vitae;
- Contact details of two academic referees;
- A 2,000-word summary of the Ph.D project along with the chapters outline.
Graduate Institute internationally renown academic Faculty and Experts.
Graduate Institute, Geneva
Tel +41 22 908 43 84