The Graduate School of Gadjah Mada University doctoral students to attend a monthly seminar discussion that will be held by the Graduate School of Gadjah Mada University on:
Date : Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Time : 13.00 P.M.
Venue : Room A, fifth floor, the Graduate School of Gadjah Mada University
Agenda : “Nggandul dan mleset dalam karawitan pedalangan gaya Yogyakarta, tinjauan budaya dan fisika bunyi” by Drs. St. Hanggar Budi Prasetya
Body, Habitus, and Bourdieu’s theory have long been a topic of research in sociology of art. Pierre Bourdieu’s work is widely viewed as a fruitful approach to both theory and research on the body as Bourdieu links agency with structure through the process of habitus. Bourdieu’s concept of habitus illuminates the circular process whereby practices are incorporated within the body, only then to be regenerated through the embodied work and competence of the body. This research explores the process embodiment on puppet master and gamelan musicians. Ngeng is the most important concept for gamelan musician to play and appreciate gamelan music. The disciplined and rehearsed body of the puppet master and gamelan musician is one of the most significant resources in the conduct of gamelan music. In this paper I explore some of these issues to make sense of embodied work or ngeng of gamelan music performance drawing on my ethnography of the shadow puppet theatre.