On Friday, April 26, 2024, the Graduate School (Sekolah Pascasarjana or SPs) of UGM bid farewell to two retired employees along with a Syawalan celebration attended by former SPs leaders, current leaders, department heads, faculty members, administrative staff, and retirees at the Auditorium on the 5th floor of the SPs UGM building.
The two retirees who bid farewell were Widaya from Outside Cleaning Staff and Muhammad Eko Erwanto from the Correspondence section. The Syawalan event included a spiritual talk by Prof. Ir. Zaenal Bachrudin, M.Sc., Ph.D., IPU., ASEAN Eng., a NIDK lecturer in the Doctoral Program of Leadership and Policy Innovation.
Dean of SPs UGM, Prof. Ir. Siti Malkhamah, M.Sc., Ph.D., expressed gratitude to both retirees for their dedicated service to SPs and wished them a joyful retirement with blessings. As part of the SPs family, the Dean also extended invitations to future SPs events for the retirees.
Widaya, one of the retirees from SPs, from Murtigading, Sanden Bantul, Yogyakarta, born in 1965 in Yogyakarta, is a father of two children. He joined SPs as a civil servant (CPNS) on March 1st, 1987, with 1A grade and retired on December 1, 2023, with the rank of Penata Muda Tingkat I grade IIIB, serving as a Pramu Taman. Widaya received awards for his 25 years of loyalty to UGM, Satya Lencana Karya Satya for 30 years in 2018, and a 35-year loyalty award from UGM in 2022.
Muhammad Eko Erwanto, another retiree from SPs, from Sukoharjo, Ngaglik Sleman, born in Sleman in 1966, is also a father of two children. He started working at SPs on March 1, 1987, as a CPNS with a grade of IB and retired on May 1, 2024, with the rank of Golongan Pengabdian IIIC as a Correspondences Staff. Pak Eko received awards including Satya Lencana Karya Satya for 20 years in 2012, 25 years of service to UGM in 2012, Satya Lencana Karya Satya for 30 years in 2018, and a 35-year loyalty award from UGM in 2022.
Both retirees received mementos from SPs, presented by the Dean, as well as mementos from the Korpagama Unit of the Graduate School and the Mandiri Cooperative, which is a cooperative founded and consisting of SPs employees.
Regarding the Syawalan event, Dean of SPs UGM, Prof. Ir. Siti Malkhamah, M.Sc., Ph.D., expressed hope that after a month of fasting, everyone could contribute more to our environment, nation, and society.
During the Syawalan spiritual talk, Prof. Zaenal Bachrudin emphasized Syawalan as an expected outcome/impact of the Ramadan period. Fasting is a formulation that has dimensions of health and improves human quality, including the quality of the human heart (qalbu).
Additionally, Prof. Zaenal highlighted that one indicator of a person’s quality is seen in the quality of their heart. This event supports Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) number 16, focusing on Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions.
Author: Arni Wistriatun
Keywords: Syawalan, Retirement ceremony
Editor : Ana Anggraini