Prof. Dr. Sri Rum Giyarsih, S.Si., M.Sc., Chair of the Population Doctoral Program at the Postgraduate School (SPs) Gadjah Mada University carries out a community service activity program (PkM) which is one of the pillars of the tridharma of higher education in Tirtonirmolo Village, District Kasihan, Bantul Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta on June 8 2024. This PkM activity is entitled “Extension on the Importance of Harmonizing Population and Environmental Relations in Tirtonirmolo Village, Kasihan District, Bantul Regency, DIY.” The main problem discussed was water management to meet the needs of the community in the Village environment Tirtonirmolo.
“The aim of this activity is to increase public knowledge of the importance of maintaining harmonious relations between residents and the environment. This PKM activity is in accordance with the roadmap for PkM activities in the Population Doctoral Study Program at the UGM Postgraduate School. “It is also in line with education for sustainable development theme and in line with one of the SDG’s targets, namely taking immediate action to combat climate change and its impacts, which is SDG’s target number 13,” said Prof. Dr. Sri Rum Giyarsih, S.Si., M.Si. when providing counseling to the people of Tirtonirmolo Village.
The geographical condition of Tirtonirmolo Village and the population are reasons for the community’s understanding of the importance of water management as a natural resource which is currently an issue as discussed at the World Water Forum conference on 18-25 May 2024 which was held in Bali. The background to this activity is the phenomenon of harmonizing the relationship between population and the environment, which is something that must be done in order to achieve the ideals of sustainable development. The environment can be sustainable if residents carry out development in order to meet their needs and apply the principles of environmental preservation and conservation. However, if residents carry out development without paying attention to the principles of environmental preservation and conservation, the environment will experience degradation or even damage. Environmental damage will also impact the population because with environmental damage the environment will no longer be able to support the lives of the population through the capacity and carrying capacity of the environment.
The method used by Prof. Dr. Sri Rum Giyarsih, S.Sc., M.Sc. in this PkM activity is counseling or outreach provided to the community in the Tirtonirmolo Village area, Kasihan District, Bantul Regency, DIY. The public welcomed the understanding provided by questions and answers and interactive discussions. It is believed that the program launched can continue considering the importance of the topic of discussion in education related to water conservation, which is currently a challenge for the community, academics and also the government. This is based on discussions with the Chief of Tirtonirmolo Village on January 22nd 2023 who also wanted to continue similar activities in other villages in the Kasihan District area. The practical and empirical benefits of PkM activities are the key to the sustainability of the proposed program.
This activity is a form of support for global ideals regarding sustainable development or Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) pillar 3 regarding healthy and prosperous living, pillar 4 regarding quality education, pillar 16 regarding clean water and adequate sanitation, and pillar 13 regarding handling climate change.
Tags : Tirtonirmolo village, water conservation, SDGs, SDG 3: healthy and prosperous life, SDG 4: quality education, SDG 16: clean water and adequate sanitation, SDG 13: handling climate change
Author: Siti Muyasaroh