Yogyakarta (23/01), the Master of Population Master Program at the Gadjah Mada University Postgraduate School successfully held a curriculum workshop which was attended by stakeholders, namely lecturers, students, alumni, graduate users and partners. This activity was carried out in the Meeting Room, Building E, KLMB, Faculty of Geography.
“Evaluation and improvement of the curriculum has been carried out periodically based on Permendikbud, Research and Technology number 53 concerning education and UGM Chancellor’s Regulation No. 23 of 2024. Regarding quality assurance, UGM has directed us to make adjustments,” said Dr. Raden Rara Wiwik Puji Mulyani, S.Si., M.Si., Chief of the Master of Population Master Program in his introduction.
“The curriculum must highlight the characteristics of population as a multidisciplinary discipline with approaches that borrow from various fields of study,” said Prof. Dr. Sri Rum Giyarsih, S.Si., M.Si. added.
The event continued with the presentation of curriculum proposals submitted by Ratih Fitria Putri, S.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. as Quality Insurance chief for the Master of Population Study Program. The presentation explains the proposed changes to credits for each course, especially the thesis.
Inviting guests from collaborating partner institutions such as BPS and BKKBN, this activity received many constructive suggestions regarding curriculum development. Sutan Siregar, S.Sos., Chairman of North Padang Lawas BPS said that one of the Population Masters alumni who is currently also an active Population Doctoral student at UGM, namely Dodi Satriawan, has different attitudes and behavior in the world of work so he becomes a role model and motivation other work friends to continue their population studies.
It is hoped that this curriculum development activity can become a forum for accommodating stakeholder aspirations to support the ongoing academic activities in the Master of Population Study Program. This activity is a bridge to build good relationships, especially with partners, to continue collaborating to produce quality resources towards a Golden Indonesia.
Author: Siti Muyasaroh