Yogyakarta (17/5) The development of medical technology, especially related to genetic modification, to prevent diseases that may arise in the future, or genetic selection such as determining the gender, intelligence, or height of a baby before birth, can already be done. This includes stem cell therapy combined with genetic therapy, which can be used to prolong a person’s life.
Genetic Modification is certainly related to ethics in the field of medicine, to what extent are the limits, what is allowed and what is not. The technology exists because and the operation is clear, however the guidance to maintain what is unclear. Ethical experts, legal experts, and professionals need to consider the benefits and risks associated with this.
This was revealed in the Angkringan HELP 5th Series event: Bioethics in Health Care Service II with the theme Help Humanity Ethics Legal Professionalism presented by Dr. Rusdy Ghazali Malueka, Ph.D., Sp.S (K) from the Department of Neurology, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing (FKKMK) UGM, as a speaker at the event held by the Bioethics Study Program, Graduate School of UGM in collaboration with the Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities FKKMK UGM at Loman Park Hotel on Thursday, May 16, 2024.
Dr. Rusdy also presented data from a journal that contained information on new technologies in neurology, which are either new technologies or old technologies with new applications used to improve a person’s neurological function, including cognitive, motor, or other functions.
The types of technology currently used often are Advanced Neuroimaging, such as MRI, Functional MRI, etc., followed by other types of technology such as Biosensors, Electrophysiology, Neurostimulation, Neuromodulation, Telemedicine, Apps, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Virtual Reality, Robotics, Online Database System, New Genetic and Laboratory Techniques, Data Review, Usability, Online Training, and Interactive Video Games.
The Head of the Bioethics Study Program, Dr. Dra. Retna Siwi Padmawati, MA, in this occasion also mentioned the upcoming International Bioethics and Humanities Conference with the theme Bioethics to Preserve Humanity: Navigating through Environmental Crisis and Rapid Technology Advancement in Yogyakarta on November 6-8, 2024.
This activity is also in line with SDGs Goal No. 3 on Good Health and Well-being.
Author: Arni Wistriatun
Editor: Ana Anggraini
Photo: Study Program Document