Yogyakarta (27/7), Geo-Information Study Interest for Disaster Management Gadjah Mada University Postgraduate School (SPs UGM) carried out study monitoring for Bappenas scholarship students. The activity was carried out in Meeting Room B, 5th Floor, SPs Unit 1 Building, which was attended by 10 students with an interest in Geo-Info Studies batch of 2023.
The Geo-Information Study Interest for Disaster Management has collaborated with Pusbindiklatren BAPPENAS to organize a Domestic Regular Masters Education Program since 2018. Bappenas sent 10 students to study Domestic Regular Masters who have passed the Scholarship selection.
The core objective of implementing this activity is to monitor and ensure that students are able to complete their studies on time schedule of their scholarship period. This is a warning for students to be able to complete their study period on time and still pay attention to academic requirements by fulfilling them optimally.
Attended by observers from Bappenas including Feita Puspita Murti, S.E., M.Sc., Zunarko, Irna Suwanti Indrayani, this event was conducted effectively. The discussions are onĀ the progress of each student’s work, obstacles during study, technical explanations related to submitting research costs or assistance costs. thesis, as well as an explanation of several provisions on scholarship disbursement procedures towards the end of the student’s study period. Each student conveys the study activities they have undertaken so far in detail.
Evaluation of this study is very important to carry out due to students’ graduation requirements on time according to the curriculum and have credibility regarding the knowledge they are pursuing in college. Geo-Info Study Interests continues to support the realization of sustainable development (Sustainable Development Goals) such as implementing student study evaluation activities that are in line with the goals of SDGs pillar 4 regarding quality education and pillar 17 regarding partnerships to achieve goals.
Tags : study evaluation, disaster management, scientific work, SDGs, SDG 4: quality education, SDG 17: partnerships to achieve goals
Author: Siti Muyasaroh