Yogyakarta (14/12), the Higher Education Management Master Program (MMPT) Gadjah Mada University Postgraduate School successfully held a national seminar activity which was attended by academics, practitioners and students. This activity was entitled “Internationalization of Higher Education: Lessons Learned” and took place at the Manohara Hotel, Yogyakarta.
This activity was divided into 2 sessions consisting of lessons learned from Gadjah Mada University (UGM) and Indonesian Islamic University (UII) with speakers namely Luluk Lusiantoro, S.E., M.Sc., Ph.D and Dr.rer.nat. Dian Sari Utami, S.Psi., M.A.. Session 2 consisted of discussion of lessons learned from Diponegoro University and Jenderal Soedirman University, namely Pulung Widhi Hari Hananto, S.H., M.H., LL.M. and Dr. Ir. Condro Wibowo, M.Sc.
In his presentation, Pulung Hari Hananto discussed the challenges and opportunities in implementing internationalization strategies in higher education. He pointed out that although there are many obstacles, such as funding and policy alignment, the benefits of international collaboration far outweigh the challenges. “Internationalization is not just a trend, it is a necessity for educational institutions to remain relevant in an increasingly global world,” he said.
One of the strategic objectives of carrying out this seminar activity is to build a forum for dialogue about the importance of internationalization for higher education. The development of internationalization can be carried out with various programs such as cooperation in the field of higher education tridharma and the accreditation process by international accreditation institutions.
This seminar includes interactive discussions that allow participants to share experiences and best practices in internationalization. The collaborative approach reinforces and affirms that global partnerships are critical to advancing higher education.
Source: Belasuni Diamonds
Author: Siti Muyasaroh