Effective environmental management can be achieved when individuals not only think about themselves but also consider others around them, stated Muhammad Sulaiman, S.T., M.T., D.Eng. (Coordinator of the Community Service Unit at Graduate School of UGM), during his visit to UGM Residence in Pogung Kidul (10/8). In relation to this, programs are needed that can be implemented collaboratively among institutions with geographical proximity to address various environmental issues in their surroundings. One of these initiatives is the “Srawung Tangga” program (socializing with neighbors), Sulaiman continued.
The Srawung Tangga program needs to be promoted because often people and institutions live adjacent to each other without knowing one another. As a result, numerous issues arise around them that are difficult to resolve.
The SPs team’s visit was welcomed by Sulistiyo Mardiatmoko, S.T., M.Eng. (Facilities Manager of UGM Residence), along with several staff members. During the visit, the SPs team was taken on a tour to observe various facilities such as wastewater treatment installations (IPAL) and other facilities supporting UGM’s Green Campus.
During this opportunity, the SPs PkM team from UGM, represented by Susanto, S.T., M.Sc. (Coordinator of Financial and General Administration, at Graduate School of UGM) and Surono (Manager of Community Service at Graduate School of UGM). They also explored collaboration with UGM Residence for various community service activities around the UGM campus, focusing on environmental management. This initiative serves as an implementation of Srawung Tangga. (Surono)
SDGs: Tags: SDGs 6. Clean water and sanitation; SDGs 17. Partnerships for the goals