The clean water issue remains a persistent problem that haunts Indonesian society, including the people of Karangrejo village in Purworejo. In response to this situation, SPs UGM (Graduate School of Universitas Gadjah Mada) has participated by conducting research and providing assistance through the procurement of bore wells via the Community Service Program.
The Dean of the Graduate School, Prof. Ir. Siti Malkhamah, M.Sc., Ph.D., emphasized that SPs is paying serious attention to communities and vulnerable groups. One of the efforts is helping provide solutions to the water problem in Karangrejo, Loano, Purworejo. Additionally, addressing national issues requires good collaboration among various parties. This was conveyed during the inauguration of the bore wells on Monday (January 20th), which was attended by the Chief of the Purworejo Food Security and Agriculture Office, the Director of PDAM Perwitasari Purworejo, alumni of SMAN 1 Purworejo (MG85), and other invited guests.
The Community Service (PkM) activity, led by the Environmental Science Doctoral Program, successfully collaborated with several partners, including the Ministry of Agriculture, the Community-Based Drinking Water and Sanitation Program (Pamsimas), and alumni of SMAN 1 Purworejo. The result of this collaboration are five bore wells were built: one for household use and the other four for agricultural purposes.
“Hopefully, the presence of these wells can help solve the water and agricultural problems in the community,” said Dr. Sudaryatno, M.Si., the head of the S3 IL Community Service team, which includes Prof. Eko Haryono, M.Si., Dr. Tjahyo Nugroho Adi, M.Sc., Iga Maliga, Heni Wahyu Sartika, and Rakhmat Dwi Putra. (Surono)