Yogyakarta (03/02), the Disaster Management Master Program (MMB) Gadjah Mada University Postgraduate School held a curriculum evaluation and development workshop with the theme “Curriculum Workshop and Alumni Gathering: Responding the Challenges of the MMB Program in the Future”. This activity took place at the Alana Hotel Yogyakarta.
The aim of carrying out this activity is to explore the needs of graduates, develop curriculum updates by integrating an interdisciplinary approach. This activity also focuses on improving the quality of disaster management education and establishing collaboration of academics, practitioners and related parties in developing research-based curricula according to job market needs.
This workshop was attended by lecturers and master program managers, practitioners or alumni users, stakeholders or government, as well as students. The activity began with remarks from the Chief of the Disaster Management Master Program (MMB), Dr. Ir. Dina Ruslanjari, M.Sc.
There was a presentation of material from invited guest representatives. Kamal Riswandi, S.E., Chief of the Yogyakarta Search and Rescue Office as a stakeholder from the MMB program, gave a statement regarding the dynamics of coordination between institutions in disaster response. There is also Centauri Indra Pertiwi, S.Sc., M.Sc. from Pusdalop BPBD DIY provided an explanation of the role and current challenges of disaster management. Finally, the presentation from Dr. Zela Septikasari, M.Sc., M.Pd is a UPY lecturer who provides understanding regarding the involvement of academics and practitioners in disaster management.
The final session of this activity was a panel discussion for all participants present to formulate the direction of study program policies related to the curriculum that will be implemented in the next semester. This activity is expected to produce practical recommendations and produce a curriculum implementation roadmap that can be implemented well.
Author: Siti Muyasaroh