Registration for new students (Camaba) for the Master and Doctoral programs at UGM for the Initial Semester of the 2025/2026 academic year has been opened. It will be carried out in four batches, including for the programs in the UGM Graduate School.
The first batch opened from 8th to 21st January 2025, the second batch from February 12th to March 12th 2025, the third batch from April 15th to May 14th 2025, and the fourth batch from June 10th to July 2nd 2025.
This is based on the schedule for the New Student Admissions for the Graduate Program in the Initial Semester of the 2025/2026 academic year posted on the website http://um.ugm.ac.id.
As stated by Ana Anggraini, M. Hum, the Coordinator of the Academic Division of the UGM Graduate School, who is often called Mbak Ana, “Yes, registration for the Initial Semester of the 2025/2026 academic year has been opened. Please follow the procedures and meet the requirements for a flawless process,” Ana stated.
Each batch has different schedules for registration fee payments, substantive tests (if applicable), announcement of selection results, online registration for accepted applicants, document verification and determination of UKT (Tuition Fee), as well as the UKT payment period, which can all be viewed on the http://um.ugm.ac.id website.
However, the academic activities will start simultaneously in August 2025.
The general registration requirements are similar and including diplomas and transcripts from previous education, accreditation of the previous education program, the PAPS UGM or TPDA PLTI or Bappenas TPA score, the AcEPT UGM or TOEP PLTI or IELTS or IBT TOEFL or ITP TOEFL score.
Applicants will need recommendations from two people who know the applicant, preferably the academic advisor from the previous education or someone considered authorized, such as a supervisor at the workplace. They also need to fill out a projection of their intentions for pursuing education, a permission letter/task letter for those who are employed, an MoU or PKS for cooperation programs, as well as a statement of the authenticity of the documents.
For Doctoral applicants, they are required to submit a dissertation research proposal.
All of these requirements can be viewed in more detail on the website http://um.ugm.ac.id, select graduate school, then choose registration requirements.
If applicants want to know which programs are open for registration in this period and the program contact numbers, they can also visit http://um.ugm.ac.id, select graduate school, and then select programs.
This activity aligns with the implementation of the SDGs: Goal 4 on Quality Education, Goal 8 on Decent Work and Economic Growth, and Goal 17 on Partnerships to Achieve the Goals.
Author: Arni Wistriatun