The Environmental Science Doctoral Study Program, Gadjah Mada University Postgraduate School (SPs UGM) held a curriculum development workshop which took place on January 23rd 2025 at Artotel UGM. This activity presents study program stakeholders, namely lecturers, students, alumni, graduate users and partners, which takes place in a hybrid manner.
“Prodi should conduct curriculum evaluations at least once in 5 years or twice in 5 years. “Today’s workshop activities were carried out to respond to Permendikbudristek Number 53 of 2023 concerning Quality Assurance in Higher Education, which may undergo changes,” said Prof. Dr. Eko Haryono, M.Si., Head of the Environmental Science Doctoral Program when giving an introduction.
The discussion in this workshop discussed student input to graduate output. Admission of new students is one of the benchmarks for assessing the competency of prospective students on interview test sessions. The ongoing optimal academic activities determine adequate graduate competency and match graduate learning outcomes.
Prof. Dr. rer. Nat. Junun Sartohadi, M.Sc. said that one of the competencies of graduates is being able to carry out research independently. The uniqueness of each university is a challenge for study programs in designing forms of collaboration as a form of cooperation.
“It is hoped that research experience can be included in the SKPI (Performance Companion Certificate). “So, it can support the international accreditation of study programs which is currently underway, namely ASIIN,” said Dr. Sudaryatno, M.Sc. add.
All parties involved and present at this workshop provided various suggestions and input to formulate an integral learning curriculum. It is hoped that this workshop can provide insight for study programs in carrying out academic activities as a whole that provide utility for internal and external parties according to predetermined standards.
Author: Siti Muyasaroh