The development of higher education in the world and in Indonesia leads to the internationalization of higher education with various activities such as cooperation programs in the tri dharma of higher education and even the accreditation process carried out by international accreditation institutions. This event opens up opportunities for all universities in Indonesia to establish and strengthen collaboration with various reputable universities abroad.
The existence of international activities at various universities abroad will certainly have a positive impact on students, lecturers and educational staff in developing their own potential and also the potential of the institutions for which they are responsible. This seminar activity is a forum for exchanging experiences from several universities in initiating, strengthening, drafting cooperation agreements, implementation and impacts or outcomes obtained from this international collaboration.
At a national seminar with the theme Internationalization of Higher Education: Lessons Learned which was held by the Higher Education Management Master Program (MMPT) – Postgraduate School – Gadjah Mada University on December 14th 2024 at the Manohara Hotel Yogyakarta with 4 speakers from Gadjah Mada University, Indonesian Islamic University , Diponegoro University and Jenderal Soedirman University. They are directors, leaders and coordinators of international cooperation at the faculty and university level who directly handle technical activities related to campus internationalization.
This seminar was opened by Dr. Khabib Mustofa, Deputy Dean of the Postgraduate School who provided guidance on the importance of internationalization in higher education by considering scientific development and targeted foreign partners. Next Dr.rer.nat. Wahyu Supartono, head of the MMPT study program, emphasized that internationalization is a need for all universities in the world to collaborate with each other and expand their networks in order to further strengthen scientific and technological development and produce human resources that are superior, competitive, adaptive, productive, highly competitive and have Pancasila character. .
Luluk Lusiantoro, S.E., M.Sc., Ph.D, Director of Global Relations and Mobility Office (GREAT) Faculty of Economics and Business, Gadjah Mada University provides experience in managing internationalization programs at FEB – UGM which has more than 60 overseas partners. related to economics and business. Emphasis on reciprocity with partners is very important, as is activeness between parties in implementing international cooperation.
Next Dr.rer.nat. Dian Sari Utami, Chief of the Directorate of Partnerships/International Affairs Office of the Islamic University of Indonesia, explained the strategy carried out by UII in expanding its international collaboration network by participating in several international events that shows UII’s advantages so that it can attract foreign partners to collaborate and develop the institution together, through student programs. and staff mobility, holding double degrees, and others.
The experience of carrying out internationalization activities was also emphasized by Pulung Widhi Hananto, SH, M.Hum, LLM, Deputy Director of the Directorate of Reputation, Partnership and Global Connectivity, Diponegoro University. The speciality is implementing the principle of internationalization is reputation, as well as using the principle of Inside-Out, Outside-In and Side to Side, so that there is balanced and equal cooperation on campus and with partners abroad.
Meanwhile, Jenderal Soedirman University (UNSOED) has the advantage of emphasizing the strengthening of local wisdom which attracts students and lecturers from universities abroad, especially universities from Eastern Europe. The Internationalization at Home program expressed by Dr. Condro Wibowo, UNSOED Coordinator for International Collaboration, is one of the leaders in attracting and strengthening partnerships with all international partners. This seminar ended with a wrap-up of all the material presented by the speakers as well as additional experience in negotiating with foreign partners by the Chief of the MMPT Study Program.
Author: Dr. Ir. R. Wahyu Supartono
Editor: Siti Muyasaroh