The Higher Education Management Master Program (MMPT) Gadjah Mada University Postgraduate School was holding a Community Service (PkM) program in the Klitren-Kemantren Village area, Gondokusuman District, Yogyakarta City. This activity took place on December 5th 2024.
This activity was filled with the material delivery and discussions regarding the Village, Campus, Community (3K) of Klitren Village. Attended by the Head of the Klitren Subdistrict, the Head of the Sub District Community Empowerment Institute (LPMK), as well as the MMPT Program who were also present, namely the Chief of the Program, lecturers and students, this event succeeded in involving the community as a whole.
“The PKM activity with the theme “Strengthening 3K Synergy (Community, Campus, Village)” was an impressive and inspiring activity. Even though it was raining when the event started, residents were still enthusiastic about coming and taking part actively. The discussion also went both ways, the resource persons and participants discussed and shared ideas with each other. “Activities like this really reflect the importance of community service in one aspect of the tri dharma of higher education,” said Adinda Zadati, one of the MMPT Study Program students who was involved in PkM activities.
This activity aims to introduce the potential role of regions (villages) and campuses in supporting regional development and initiating patterns of cooperation or synergy between campuses, villages and communities as well as implementing regional development. PkM is also oriented towards aware of a joint commitment to support the development of the Klitren Village and Gondokusuman Kemantren areas in the future.
This program strengthens ties between universities and local communities by emphasizing the role of education for sustainable development. Involving the Klitren Village community, the MMPT Study Program seeks to create a platform for sharing knowledge and collaborative problem solving.
Source: Belasuni Diamonds
Author: Siti Muyasaroh