Religious and Cross-cultural Studies were established in 2000. Religious and Cross-cultural Studies is the only academic program focusing on religious studies at a non-religiously affiliated university in Indonesia. The vision of the program is to promote the development of a democratic, multicultural, and just society in Indonesia by establishing a center of excellence on religious studies with a good reputation in the region.
Religious and Cross-cultural Studies offer master and doctoral program in the academic study of religion. The study program employs critical analysis of various methods and theories employed by scholars in their attempt to explain and account for the phenomena that fall under the label of religion. Clusters of study The clusters of study offered at our program are not mutually exclusive tracks of courses that students have to choose, but indicate groups of courses that the program offers to reflect the orientation and strength of our curriculum and research development. At present, the program focus revolves around three main clusters: a. Inter-religious Relations (IRR); b. Religion and Local Culture (RLC); and c. Religion and Contemporary Issues (RCI). Study InterestIslamic Economy