(June 29th) Yogyakarta – The Family of Alumni of Master’s and Doctoral Programs in Leadership and Policy Innovation (KAPIMGAMA) at the Graduate School (SPs) of Gadjah Mada University (UGM) was officially inaugurated for the term 2024-2029. This inauguration is based on the Decree of the Dean of the Graduate School UGM Number 72 dated January 19th, 2024, further reinforced by the Decree from Kagama Number 2037 dated June 20th, 2024.
The inauguration was led by the IV Chairperson of the Daily Board of PP Kagama, Prof. Dr. Paripurna Sugarda, S.H., M.Hum., LL.M, at the Auditorium of SPs UGM, on Friday, June 28th, 2024.
The Chief of the Master’s and Doctoral Program in Leadership and Policy Innovation at SPs UGM, Prof. Dr. Agus Heruanto Hadna, S.I.P., M.Si, delivered a speech and announced the names of those inaugurated as KAPIMGAMA officials.
Among the inaugurated officials were Major General (Ret.) Dr. Hasanudin, S.I.P., M.M, as 1st Chairman Ronald Andi Kasim, the 2nd Chairman Heri Wiranto, Secretary Jenri Mula Panondang Panjaitan, 1st Vice Secretary Anggi Rahajeng, 2nd Vice Secretary Novi Widyaningrum, Treasurer Ayu Sari Wulandari, Vice Treasurer Kartini Sally, and several officials from various fields.
In his speech, Prof. Hadna expressed that the formation journey of KAPIMGAMA, formerly known as the Association of Alumni of Master’s and Doctoral Students in Policy Innovation, has a long history, starting since 2018 and becoming more intensive since 2021.
Prof. Hadna also conveyed, “Other than serving as a reunion platform for alumni and students of the MDKIK program, its spirit is also to be a working partner. The program cannot operate independently without its alumni,” he said.
Meanwhile, the Dean of the Graduate School UGM, Prof. Ir. Siti Malkamah, M.Sc., Ph.D, highlighted the extensive contributions of alumni. Additionally, this initiative supports cooperation between SPs and UGM, notably in producing graduates capable of being problem solvers.
This activity is also in line with the implementation of SDGs Number 4 on Quality Education and Number 17 on partnerships.
Source: Sri Pangesti Tuhu
Author: Arni Wistriatun