The Quality Assurance Coordinator of the Graduate School at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Prof. Dr. Tri Kuntoro Priyambodo, M.Sc., alongside doctoral students from the Tourism Program at UGM, held a significant meeting with Prof. François Vellas, President of The International Association of Universities of the Third Age (AIUTA), at Université Toulouse Capitole (UCP3A), France, from November 18th – 20th 2024. This meeting was part of an academic internship program in collaboration with the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, aimed at broadening academic insights and establishing international networks in senior tourism and lifelong learning.
This collaboration involves UGM’s Graduate School, committed to initiating new developments in Indonesia, particularly in lifelong learning and senior tourism. The initiative focuses on enhancing the quality of life for Indonesia’s elderly population through broader access in education and developing age-friendly tourism destinations for the 55+ age group. During the meeting, topics discussed included the potential of senior tourism as a growing sector and integrating sustainability into tourism programs for senior travelers.
Additionally, Drs. Hendrie Adjie Kusworo, Ph.D., Chief of the Tourism Doctoral Program at UGM, participated in the 113th AIUTA General Assembly in Tunisia. Dr. Adjie presented on the importance of developing the tourism sector for the 55+ age group in Indonesia and how Southeast Asian countries can leverage existing opportunities to support lifelong learning for senior citizens.
As an outcome of these discussions, a joint program between UGM, UCP3A Toulouse, and the AIUTA member university network will soon be launched. This program will focus on developing sustainable senior tourism and study tours in Indonesia. The theme is around sustainable development and social transformation for the 55+ age group. The initiative aims to facilitate academic exchange, research, and training programs to advance an inclusive and sustainable tourism sector for older generations.
Students and researchers from both institutions are expected to delve deeper into sustainable tourism concepts that consider not only ecological aspects but also the social and economic well-being of senior citizens with this collaboration. Furthermore, the partnership will highlight Indonesia as a destination that supports lifelong learning and senior welfare, strengthening its tourism sector to accommodate retirees and the elderly better.
Author: Sri Pangesti Tuhu
Source: Prof. Dr. Tri Kuntoro Priyambodo, M.Sc.
Editor: Arfikah Istari