On Saturday (18/5), the Center for Religious and Cross-Cultural Studies (CRCS), Religion and Cross-Cultural Studies Master Program of Graduate School of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) collaborated with the Sociology Graduate Program, Faculty of Theology, Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana (UKSW) to conduct the 5th Mini Graduate Student Conference.
This annual event provided a platform for students from both campuses to present the results of their mini projects. Additionally, this year, Dr. Leonard Chrysostomos Epafras, an expert from the cooperation unit of UGM’s Graduate School, and Dr. Izak Lattu, Dean of the Faculty of Theology at UKSW, also participated in the event as representatives of their respective institutions in the symbolic signing of the cooperation agreement, reaffirming both institutions’ commitment to maintain the established partnership.
Student presentations were divided into three clusters with diverse themes, including “Space, Festivity, and Interreligious Engagement,” “Memory, Urbanism, and Decolonization,” and “Civil Sphere, Spirituality, and Social Harmony.” Faculty members and conference participants engaged in lively discussions, enriching interreligious discourse in the diverse context of Indonesia, from ancestral traditions to religious expressions in the digital age.
The organization of this event has been part of the course “Interreligious Dialogue: From Conversation to Everyday Engagement” organized by CRCS/ALB for several years. This conference aims not only to enrich interreligious discourse from different academic perspectives between UGM and UKSW, but also to build social networks among students from both campuses and maintain the dignity of the established inter institutional cooperation.
Author: Archa