The Graduate School of Gadjah Mada University (SPs UGM) participated in the Business Process Transformation Workshop for Integrative Research Management, held at Multimedia Room I, UGM Central Office, North Wing 3rd Floor on Thursday (16/01). This workshop was organized by the Directorate of Research to enhance the quality of research management at UGM.
The Director of Research, Prof. Dr. Mirwan Ushada, STP. M.App.Life.Sc., stated, “January 2025 is the perfect time to evaluate the performance in 2024 and make work plans for 2025. This workshop aims to evaluate the research information system at UGM, and over the past three months, we have collaborated with the UGM Digital Transformation Bureau to create a better concept for research management,” in his opening speech.
The workshop was attended by Vice Deans responsible for Research and Heads of Administration Offices from all work units at UGM. SPs UGM was represented by expert staff and employees from the Research and Publication Unit.
“Our hope today is to gather input from all stakeholders, including those present from the Faculties/Schools. There will also be follow-up workshops before the implementation of the developed information system,” concluded Prof. Mirwan.
The first session was presented by the Chief of the Research Program Sub-directorate, Dr. Ririn Tri Nurhayati, S.IP., M.Si., M.A., and the Chief of the Scientific Publication and Intellectual Property Sub-directorate, Ratih Fitria Putri, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D., regarding the current research management business process at UGM. Dr. Ririn emphasized that research is a strategic activity within the Tri Dharma (three pillars) that plays a key role in building an excellent academic reputation and fostering global partnerships, and therefore needs to be optimized in its management.
Ratih Fitri added, “The common challenges currently found in the research information system are at least twofold: several processes are still carried out manually, including data validation, and the existing information system does not meet the needs of the dynamic business process changes.”
In the second session, which was presented by the team from the Digital Transformation Bureau, led by Dr. Mardhani Riasetiawan, SE., Ak., M.T., explained the integrative research management information system currently under development.
Dr. Mardhani stated that the information system being developed requires a lot of input to ensure that its implementation can accommodate the needs of each work unit and provide comfort for all users.
At SPs UGM, there is a unique situation where faculty members come from various faculties/schools at UGM, but the current information system cannot accommodate this condition. Dr. Mardhani explained that the new information system will be able to handle such situations, for example, by categorizing them according to academic fields or the roles they are undertaking in their research.
Author: Asti Rahmaningrum