On June 19th 2024, students of the Doctoral Program in National Resilience at the Graduate School, Universitas Gadjah Mada, successfully organized a seminar that captured the attention of over 500 participants. High school students from across Yogyakarta, members of the Scout Movement, Purna Paskibraka Indonesia (PPI), Academy Cadets, community activists, and academics attended the seminar themed “Ethical and Integrity-Driven Generation Z Based on Pancasila Values Through the Scout Movement.” The seminar was conducted both offline at the Korem 072/Pamungkas Hall and online via Zoom meeting.
The seminar was conducted in a podcast featuring three keynote speakers: Brigadier General TNI Zainul Bahar, S.H., M.Si., Commander of Korem 072/Pamungkas; GKR. Mangkubumi’s representative, Sri Budoyo; and Ghania Taufiqa Salma Wibowo, junior tennis athlete and 2022 national flag raiser. The Chair of the Doctoral Program in National Resilience Studies, Prof. Dr. Armaidy Armawi, M.Si., opened the seminar by emphasizing the need for all parties to embrace Generation Z in practicing Pancasila values instilled through scout membership.
The challenges faced by Generation Z today include the advancements in digital technology, highlighting the importance of character education to ensure that the younger generation maintains the ethics and morals taught by Pancasila values. This was underscored by Brigadier General TNI Zainul Bahar. Sri Budoyo echoed similar sentiments, emphasizing the need to effectively instill positive character and integrity aligned with Pancasila values through the Scout Movement.
Contributing as part of Generation Z, Ghania Taufiqa Salma Wibowo shared her life experiences and offered tips on how to uphold ethics as young people in society. The event concluded with remarks from the Head of the Committee, Colonel Inf Surya Wibawa Suparman, M.Han, who urged, “Young people should be embraced with a different approach. I invite all Generation Z to join the ‘Youth in Action’ community as a platform to channel kindness.”
The success of this seminar represents efforts to promote basic education and empower the skills of Generation Z. The Doctoral Program in National Resilience continues to strive towards similar activities to build a more resilient and sustainable future by enhancing networks and global partnerships.
Keywords: basic education, skills, global partnerships, SDG 4: Quality Education, SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals, SDGs
Data: Laila Isnayani
Author: Asti Rahmaningrum