Obtaining international accreditation is a strategy to enhance the reputation, quality of education, and global competitiveness of an academic program. Additionally, it can expand international collaboration opportunities and align with global education policies.
This refers to the Ministerial Regulation of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Permendikbudristek) No. 53 of 2023, regarding Higher Education Quality Assurance; 2) Rector’s Regulation No. 23 of 2024; and 3) aligning with the international program curriculum.
In response to these developments, the Extension and Development Communication Program held a curriculum workshop on Thursday, December 5th 2024, at Hotel Lafayette, Yogyakarta.
The workshop aims to gather feedback from alumni and stakeholders of the Extension and Development Communication Master/ Doctoral Program to enrich information on the usefulness of alumni in society and its alignment with institutional needs.
Furthermore, by February 2025, it is expected that the final curriculum change scheme will be ready, and faculty members will prepare RPKPS (Lecture Plan and Semester Learning Plan) for teaching therefore the learning process for the 2025/2026 Academic Year with the new curriculum will be more structured.
As stated by the Chief of the Master’s Program in PKP, Dr. Ir. Siti Andarwati, S.Pt., M.P., IPM., ASEAN Eng, who is affectionately called Bu Andar, “The curriculum change is expected to produce outcomes and outputs that are maximized and aligned with the needs of society,” she explained.
Bu Andar further expressed her hope that the workshop would produce the necessary components: “The required documents for the master and doctoral program curriculum include the curriculum structure (semesters and courses), Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) and the CLO matrix with courses, CPMK for each course, and the credit allocation in the new curriculum,” she added.
This hybrid workshop was attended by the Dean of the Graduate School of UGM, the Chief of the Ph.D. Program in PKP, PKP faculty members, and PKP alumni. Alumni users in attendance included representatives from PT. AWK Solo, the Chief of BPSDMP Yogyakarta, the Chief of BSIP, the Director of Poltekkes Yogyakarta, the Vice Dean of Academic Affairs at UNS, and faculty members and heads of the Master’s PKP Program at SPs Unand.
This event is also aligned with the implementation of SDGs, specifically Goal 4 on quality education and Goal 17 on partnerships to achieve the goals.
Writer: Arni Wistriatun
Editor: Ana Anggraini