The participation of alumni in contributing to their alma mater, especially concerning graduate competencies, research collaboration (particularly for alumni who are teaching), networking development, program promotion, and tasks related to national independence in the medical device field, is crucially needed. In addition to collaboration between alumni and their almamater, collaboration among alumni themselves is also essential.
These points were highlighted during the Alumni Gathering event organized by the Master’s Program in Biomedical Engineering at the Graduate School of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), held on Thursday, July 4th, 2024, in Room 203, 2nd Floor, Building SPs UGM Unit 2. The event featured Djoko Kuswanto, S.T., M.Biotech, a 2006 alumni with a background in Biomedical Engineering who has joined the Master’s Program in Biomedical Engineering in 2020.
The gathering theme is “Strategies to Enhance Graduates’ Competencies in Facing Job Challenges from Alumni Perspectives” was attended by alumni and active students of the Master’s Program in Biomedical Engineering.
At the beginning of his presentation, Djoko Kuswanto encouraged participants to provide ideas for future meetings after discussing various aspects of Biomedical Engineering in Indonesia today. He emphasized the significant contribution of stakeholders, including alumni.
Meanwhile, the Chief of the Master’s Program in Biomedical Engineering expressed a similar sentiment, stating, “What needs to be discussed is what alumni want the program to do to facilitate networking and mutual support among alumni, alumni with the program, and alumni with other alumni because we share the same alma mater.” He also added, “Our task is indeed enormous, the nation’s independence in the field of medical devices, there is much work to be done.” The Chief of the Program also expressed hope that such meetings could be held annually.
In his address, the Vice Dean for Financial Assets and HR Development, Dr. Tech. Khabib Mustofa, S.Si., M.Si., shared his expectations for the discussion, stating, “This discussion will provide perspectives on what the program needs to prepare in terms of developing competencies to ensure students who later become alumni are aligned with what was promised and the evolving global job market.”
This activity is also aligned with the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly Goal 3 on Good Health and Well-being, Goal 4 on Quality Education, Goal 9 on Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, and Goal 17 on Partnerships for the Goals.
Keywords: biomedical, alumni, medical devices, national independence
Author: Arni Wistriatun