Graduate and doctoral students from the Biotechnology Program Study at the Graduate School of Universitas Gadjah Mada participated in a Biotechnology Workshop with the theme “Biotechnological Approaches in Food and Nutrition Security for Sustainable Global Health” on Friday, July 5th, 2024. This event is part of The International Conference and Workshop on Biotechnology 2024, organized by the Biotechnology Study Center and the Indonesian Biotechnology Consortium (KBI).
As expressed by the Chief of the Biotechnology Master’s Program, Dr. Dini Wahyu Kartikasari, S.Pi., M.Si., “This workshop is organized to complement the theoretical knowledge previously gained from conferences with collaborative training related to the innovation of biotechnology techniques and applications. Participation in this event is limited to only 20 individuals, including undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral students, as well as members of the general public,” she stated.
In collaboration with industry practitioners, the event featured three speakers. The first session was presented by PT Elo Karsa Utama, introducing the Sysmex Cube 6 V2M Flow Cytometry System for Microbial Testing, presented by David Bastien, Pharm. D, Industrial FCM Area Manager of Sysmex-Partec GmbH.
The event continued with the second session on the Use of Real-Time PCR to Detect Mycoplasma Pneumonia, presented by PT Ecosains Hayati. In this session, dr. Daniel Edbert, M.Ked.Klin, SpMK, a Clinical Microbiology lecturer from the Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya, served as the speaker, accompanied by Roaslein Putri, M.Si, an application scientist from PT Ecosains Hayati, as the trainer.
The workshop concluded with the third session on NanoDrop One Acclaro Sample Intelligence Technology for Accurate Nucleic Acid Sample Evaluation by PT ITS Science Indonesia, presented by Warda Marisa, an Application Specialist for the Life Science Division.
The event was conducted at the Biotechnology Study Center of UGM, it was enlivened by active discussions from the participants. SPs UGM hopes that the students from the Biotechnology Study Program who participated in this event can enhance their practical knowledge and skills related to biotechnology techniques and applications.
Author: Muthia Nur Arifah
Keywords: SDGs, SDG 4: Quality Education, Education, Access to Education, Training, Workshop, Collaboration, SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals, Competency Improvement, Innovation.