Yogyakarta – The Bioethics Master Program at the Graduate School of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) held an audience and seminar titled “To What Extent Are We Obligated in Sustaining Life?: Bioethical Case in End-of-Life and Kinship Autonomy” on Friday (14/03) via Zoom. This event brought together the academic community to discuss ethical issues related to decision-making at the end of life.
The event began with an introduction to the Master’s Program in Bioethics by Dr. Dra. Retna Siwi Padmawati, M.A., the chief of the Bioethics Program. She explained the program’s vision, mission, and contributions to the development of bioethics studies in Indonesia. She elaborated on various activities and the curriculum offered in the Bioethics Program, highlighting how the program provides its students with ethical perspectives and practical knowledge in the field of bioethics.
During the discussion session, two keynote speakers explored bioethical perspectives on terminal care. Dr. CB Kusmaryanto, SCJ, a faculty member of the Bioethics Program at UGM, delivered a presentation on extraordinary and ordinary treatment, highlighting the ethical considerations in determining the boundaries of medical intervention for end-of-life patients. Meanwhile, Dr. Nur Azid Mahardinata, M.Bio.Et discussed bioethics within the hospital setting, including the challenges of medical decision-making involving patients, families, and healthcare professionals.
The event was moderated by Ns. Wahyu Dewi Sulistyarini, M.SN, who guided the discussion to remain interactive while allowing participants to express their perspectives and ask questions. The seminar aimed to foster networking and discussions between bioethics scholars, higher education institutions, and hospitals, particularly on end-of-life issues.
Additionally, this audience session served as a platform to promote the Master’s Program in Bioethics at UGM in preparation for new student admissions for the 2025/2026 Academic Year.
It is hoped, through this seminar, that more academics, practitioners, and the general public will gain a deeper understanding of the crucial role of bioethics in the advancement of science and technology, particularly in medical decision-making related to terminal-phase patients.
Author : Yeti Susilowati