Gadjah Mada University (MPL UGM) Environmental Management Master Program students class 45-46 presented the results of the KKL which was carried out on January 20th – 23rd 2025 to the Banyuwangi Regency Environmental Service (DLH). This presentation is a follow-up to the KKL activity which requires students to present the results of their observations and analysis before the relevant parties, in this case the Banyuwangi Regency Environmental Service.
The main goal of this presentation is to convey findings, recommendations, and build constructive discussions regarding environmental problems and solutions in the Banyuwangi area. The presentation contains the results obtained during field research in Banyuwangi using the DPSIR (Driver, Pressure, State, Impact and Response) method to analyze environmental conditions.
The event was opened by Dr. Langgeng Wahyu Santosa, S.Si., M.Sc., as Chief of the Environmental Management Master’s Interest and KKL coordinator. Dr. Langgeng emphasized the importance of education for sustainability and the role of students in contributing to local environmental management.
Ninik Dwi Astutik, S.T., Head of the Banyuwangi Regency DLH Program Preparation Subdivision, after the opening remarks expressed her appreciation for the students’ efforts. She highlighted the importance of cooperation between students, the district government. Banyuwangi, and local communities in overcoming environmental challenges.
Students presented their findings, which covered a variety of environmental issues such as waste management, water quality, and the impact of clean energy initiatives in the area. They provide recommendations for improving local policies and practices, emphasizing the need for community involvement and education in sustainability efforts.
Discussions with DLH officials provided feedback and insight into student findings. This dialogue focuses on how to effectively implement the recommendations and the importance of continuing education in promoting sustainable practices within society.
Author: Siti Muyasaroh