In order to accelerate the need of national AWOS, a consortium memorandum of understanding has been signed between Universitas Gadjah Mada(UGM); National Transportation Safety Committee (KNKT); Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) and Company (Persero) PT Industri Telekomunikasi Indonesia (INTI) on September 13th, 2018 in Yogyakarta. In this project, each party has involved experts according to the competencies needed in carrying out integrated activities and Automatic Weather Observation System (AWOS) prototype. This collaboration is aimed to meet international aviation safety standards.
The activities involve an integration and completion of AWOS Prototype Design Version 1.0 and field trials at BMKG Meteorological Station in order to determine the reliability and comparison of measurements and observations of airport weather with existing technology. In addition, this activity also aims to utilize Automatic
Weather Observation System (AWOS) technology as a result of information and communication technology innovation research. It is objected that Indonesia will produce this AWOS technology independently and will applied it in 185 airports.
Thus, it is expected that AWOS from local innovation research can be used as an Sistem Perangkat Pengamatan Cuaca Bandara or Airport Weather Observation System. It is able to fill the gap of airport weather data in Indonesia for the sake of civil and military aviation.
Some of outputs or results are the manufacture of transfer documents technologies as follows:
a) Product Documents
b) Survey Documents
c) Installation Documents
d) Manual Maintenance Documents
e) Field Testing Documents