Yogyakarta (21/09), MLeadership and Policy Innovation Masters and Doctoral Study Program (KIK) Gadjah Mada University Postgraduate
On Wednesday, August 21st 2024, students from the PhD program in Islamic Economics and Halal Industry, along with students
On Wednesday, August 21st 2024, students from the Islamic Economics and Halal Industry Doctoral Program, along with students
On Wednesday (September 25th), the Wednesday Forum from the Religious Studies and Cross-Cultural Studies Program, or Center
National Resilience Master and Doctoral Program at the Graduate School (SPs) UGM visited the National Defense University
As part of the Strategic Study Abroad program to Malaysia, the National Resilience Program of the Graduate School at Gadjah
Professor of Sociology at Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University (UIN), Lim Halimatusa’diyah, was a speaker at the
Yogyakarta (20/09) – The Graduate School of Universitas Gadjah Mada (SPs UGM), particularly the Bioethics Master Program,