A total of 17 students interested in studying Masters in Environmental Management at Gadjah Mada University Postgraduate School (MPL SPs UGM) carried out field practice activities on the Bompon River, Magelang Regency on October 26th 2024. This activity was under the coordination of Dr.rer.nat. Muhammad Anggri Setiawan, M.Si, as lecturer in the river basin ecosystem management course.
This practice aims to harmonize threat mitigation and potential utilization with the support of the Bompon River Watershed Management (DAS) disaster research center. Students analyze every threat of natural disasters that might occur around the Bompon watershed area, namely landslides, erosion and sedimentation.
“Field practice in the watershed course was very beneficial for me, because in class I had no idea about micro watersheds. When I was in the field and the lecturer gave a direct presentation, it made me understand about Micro Watersheds by seeing the appearance in the area,” said Lisa Andini, one of the MPL students who took part in this activity.
Students explore potential strategies for disaster risk reduction and sustainable resource management as part of the analysis. They proposed initiatives that could increase community resilience to natural disasters while promoting sustainable use of watershed resources.
The potential natural resources of the Bompon watershed support sustainable management including water availability and soil conservation, ecotourism, renewable energy, and biodiversity of both flora and fauna. The availability of existing potential leads to various integrated management strategies such as the local wisdom of the Bompon watershed community in the form of mixed gardens and bamboo to prevent river bank erosion.
Author: Siti Muyasaroh