Globalization presents certain dilemmas for the nation of Indonesia. On one hand, globalization has provided opportunities for improving the quality of life and increasing available networks. In other site, globalization has also presented the Indonesian nation with the burden of adjusting to the demands of an international society, especially regarding issues of enforcing human rights and the division of living space. The increasing number and severity of vertical and horizontal conflicts in Indonesia is evidence of the dramatic changes taking place in society. The appearance and development of separatist movements in many regions, conflicts dealing with SARA (ethnic, religious, racial and intercommunal relations), and other violent actions in the Indonesian region are examples of those issues.
Such conditions create vulnerability and the possibility of national disintegration. Therefore, the spirit of national reformation has to be comprehended and implemented in observing, understanding, and responding to current national security issues in the era of globalization. The National Resilience Study Program was established in order to answer and respond to these issues in order to support the nation’s resilience in the face of these challenges. |